Mary Kwok, Pharm. D., BCPS, MSHNFM
Firstly, I'd like to thank you for stopping by my blog. Something may have resonated with you in order for you to decide that you wanted to find out more.
I am a board certified clinical pharmacist with a passion for food and I want to promote healthy eating one bite at a time. I started this blog to share how frustrated and helpless I felt in searching for answers when my health was failing. You can read more about my health story here.
My search for answers to my health concerns led me to pursue a masters degree in human nutrition and functional medicine. This branch of medical practice is different from conventional medicine in that it focuses on addressing the root cause of disease rather than managing its symptoms. Read more about it here.
I’m going to share what I learned about how food can be used to restore balance to the body to promote optimal function for health and wellness. I may not have all the answers, but I hope that you can find something that will help make your health journey easier to navigate.
In health,